Thursday, September 15, 2011

It's been a busy time for the Womacks.  Mia has sprouted this past month.  She's still a little peanut, but her personality and vocabulary are on the rise.  Her favorite words are baw (ball), kee kat (kitty cat), tane tu (thank you), dada, and my favorite...momma!  My little walker, who prefers walking on her tip toes, has learned to run.  She practiced this new skill running full speed toward a boy twice her size in class and tackling him to the ground busting his lip.  Her teacher (whom I LOVE) said Mia is the "ball pit denominator" and this boy had over stayed his welcome in the ball pit.  To really put him in place and let the others know she stood over him and growled after.  She's a tuff cookie and mom and dad are going to have to help her control this temper of hers. 

Her newest, funniest thing she's been doing lately is dancing.  This girl loves music and dancing like no other child I've seen.  She can be throwing a fit and the minute a good song comes on or I sing one of her faves she will dance.  Her form consists of bouncing and bending her legs and twisting her arms from side to side.  Last night we went to eat at a place with a live band and she impressed the singer so much with her enthusiasm she was brought on stage for all to see.  It was so cute. 

School is going great for her and mommy.  I won't deny that it was hard at first.  I missed her and not knowing her minute by minute day killed me.  I also had to get used to not seeing the baby I have spent my weekdays with the past year and that was (and still is) hard.  Mia had a rough first week and cried a lot.  But, she has a teacher who is a gift from God and now gets excited to go to school.  Her teacher is a grandmother who is full of energy and creativity and genuinely loves Mia.  She tells us all of the funny things Mia does during the day and how much she makes her laugh.  She has made this transition easier. 

Mommy is loving school, too.  For the first time I am really in my element.  I love the cosmetology industry and I'm so blessed to have this opportunity.  I was telling Justin last night that I finally feel like myself again.  Don't get me wrong I have loved the past year with my baby, but I am a much happier mom and wife now.  Having adult conversation (especially with a bunch of great girls in a salon) all day, getting my hair back up to par, my eyebrows waxed, mani's and pedi's, and even a spray tan...Man I feel like a woman!  I never realized how much I had let myself go and I guess deep down I am a high maintenance gal and when I don't maintain it sucks.  And how much better can it get than helping others keep up their hottness?!  I love it. 

Hopefully I will be able to keep this up a little more than once a month.  Until next time...

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

A Year in Transition: One More Big Change

My baby girl just hit the one year mark yesterday and what a year it has been!  She has brought purpose and meaning to my life while helping to shape our family's future.  I have always been the fly by the seat of my pants kinda girl.  My goals were broad and making serious plans to achieve them were not a priority of mine.  First came love, then came marriage, then came the baby in the baby carriage...that's when things got tricky. 

From the moment I held Mia in my arms and felt this inexplicable connection, my life got quite confusing.  I did not want to share her with anyone else.  I could not imagine leaving her with another person while I worked all day at a job I wasn't passionate about to begin with.  However, we weren't one of the lucky ones who could drop one half of our income while maintaining our comfortable lifestyle.  So the first puzzle we had to solve was how to allow me to stay home while bringing in a little income.  I have always loved children so I decided why not keep a couple at home while keeping my own?  I posted an ad on craigslist and within a couple weeks I had 3 one year olds and our back room went from breakfast nook to playroom. 

A had quite a few friends tell me I was crazy taking on 3 in a challenging age group while adjusting to motherhood myself.  But, it was not so bad at all.  I would take on 3 one year olds to 1 bitchy bank customer anyday!  However, there were challenges here as well...our house was always beyond perfect for the two of us; tight for 3 of us; and downright suffocating as an in-home daycare.  I was not able to easily pack my little munchkins in the car for an outing and unless one baby stayed home we were stuck in our 1000 sq foot house all day long and I began to HATE our house with a passion.  I wanted something bigger.  I think many family's face this challenge after a baby, our house seemed to have shrunk. 

So here came puzzle number two.  How do we get into a bigger house while still allowing me to stay home with my Mia?  With the help of Justin's amazing mother we were able to get on track to solve this one pretty quick.  We decided to move in with her while renting out our house and saving and shopping for a larger one.  Of course, with our baby and two dogs asking to keep 3 kids there as well would be out of the question.  So I had to break the news to the families that I would not be able to keep the 3 kiddos after the move. 

I was blessed to be able to keep one at her home as a nanny after the move.  I have now been taking care of this sweet girl since she was Mia's age and she going to be 2 soon.  I have fallen madly in love with this baby and her older sister (who I have had for the summer).  While this has been one of the hardest jobs I've ever had it's by far the most rewarding.  Nothing is sweeter than getting to witness one of God's creations grow and blossom by the day.  And while each day has brought it's own challenges a connection to the children has also become stronger.  We have had an amazing summer together; going to playdates, meeting new friends, spending days at the pool and even getting to experience childhood again as I played barbies and make believe with big sis during naptime. 

We had another puzzle to solve, however.  What comes after this?  I will still need/want to bring in an income and as much as I love children I don't see myself changing diapers forever.  Mia won't be home forever, either.  Although this is a ways down the road I began to really think about what my next move will be when Mia starts pre-school.  I was a dork and got a bachelors degree in History which doesn't open many windows.  I started working at a bank in management when I graduated school and continued on that track for the 4 yrs before I had Mia.  It paid well and allowed me to have weekends off but I never loved banking and most days didn't like it at all.  So I definetely don't want to go back to that. 

I have always wanted to go to be a cosmetologist, since I started cutting my friends hair at age 12 (if you read this Amber Garland, you'll remember, lol).  But a four year university seemed like the more prestegious thing to do after high school.  Well, all these years later I still have a passion for doing hair and my dream for my career is to enjoy going to work.  With all that said puzzle number three has been solved and another transition is on it's way.  It makes since to go ahead and complete cosmetology school while we are not committed to a mortgage payment.  So yesterday, on Mia's birthday, we made our final major transition of her first year.  I registered for cosmetology school at Franklin Hair Academy and I enrolled Mia in school.  I am torn between extreme exitement to finally get to do hair and a sadness that is going to come with missed time from my baby and a separation from two little girls that have become like my own.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Don't Sweat the Small Stuff

Let me begin by saying what -should be- common knowledge...every parenting style is different and there's no right or wrong way as long as you are active in your role as a parent.  When I was pregnant and during the time Mia slept 3/4's of the day I was constantly in research mode on how to be the best mom I could be.  I bought probably 10 books on pregnancy and almost as many on parenting.  I would spend hours on the Internet looking at sites like Baby Center and What to Expect.  I learned a thing or two, however, I mostly put myself in a state of what I will term pedestal parenting.  In other words, I felt like the way I raised my daughter was on this pedestal for all to judge and I constantly felt as though I was doing something wrong or feeling a need to grab a book or find and expert opinion each time I was unsure about something regarding Mia.  Ten months later I have learned that the best advice has come from other mothers that I look up to.  They may parent in a way that good ol Dr. Sears would frown upon, but their children are happy and so are they (most days, lol).  I find that sweating the small stuff as a mom just gives me that much more to sweat and forget it I am busy enough! 

There are so many things that I said I would never do as a parent and guess what?  Honestly, I have already caved on a large portion of my no's before even hitting the one year mark. I try to make an effort to take the "expert" route, but sometimes that just isn't what works for me.  Hang me...I let Mia have sweets, I let her sleep in our bed the first 8 months, I put a TV in her room so she could watch Barney while I have 10 minutes to get ready, I let her eat french fries, I will hand her a pacifier that just fell on the floor at the mall (gross I know, but in times of desperation...), and of course I have already locked the poor child in the car!  These are all things I thought I would never do.  I am so ashamed that I used to try to tell my sister that she should not let her kids eat certain things or watch so much I was going to do things better.  Ha!  As Mia has gotten older those small things have become less of an obsession as I find myself saying screw it more often. 

I think there is a difference between values and rules and while rules are a bit more bendable (every now and then) I have a different stand on raising my child with a certain strong set of values.  Although I will do my darndest to make sure what goes into her body is healthy I will put more focus on what goes into her spirit.  I want her to always know God and have a close relationship with him and pray that she is also close with her father and I.  She will also be raised to be respectful and kind to others and as her mother it's my job instill this sort of character...lead by example.  All of the smaller things will continue to be smaller things in my book.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

No More Playing with Mommy's Keys

We had a minor crisis yesterday, although at the time it was the most traumatic moment I've experienced as a mother.  Just a little backdrop to the story...I let Mia play with whatever makes her happy (as long as it's not dangerous).  So my cell phone, laptop, and car keys fall under the things I let her play with although I know I should not.  Justin often reminds me that these toys of mine (especially the iPhone) are not baby toys and I continue to brush him off because what harm can come from it?  Well, I learned my lesson yesterday!

Justin left the gym last night and met me at Publix to grab a few groceries.  We had a normal fun filled shopping trip that started with Mia happy in the grocery cart and restless, being passed between mom and dad right before checking out.  Then, of course, the stinker puts on her I'm the cutest baby in the world face for the cashier, grocery bagger, and anyone else in the vicinity and she takes her compliments with joy and does her little wave as we leave. 

So, we get outside and I have a car full (3 car seats, 2 strollers, diaper caddy, etc.) so Justin decides to pull his car around to put the groceries in it.  While he is getting his car I strap Mia in and pay no mind as she grabs my keys and begins playing with them...I forget.  Justin parks, packs up the groceries and I shut the back door before opening my own to head home.  Can you guess what happened???

Within nanoseconds of that back door closing I hear click, click.  Then it hits me...Mia has my keys!  With fear in my heart I look into the window and see her shaking the keys like a rattle hitting the lock button.  Another backdrop...Just recently I watched an Oprah episode with the guest being a mother whose baby died by being left in the car and here I was standing in a parking lot with my 10 month old sitting in a sealed up car that wasn't running.  I was momentarily taken out of the real world and placed in my own little reality where it was over 100 degrees outside, there was no oxygen in the car, and those friendly people in the store were standing in the parking lot whispering about how careless of a mother I am.  While in the real world it was probably closer to 75 degrees (after 7PM), we were parked in the shade, and the few people who stopped to stare were only doing so because I was pacing and screaming at my husband. 

In this moment I freaked the freak out!  I was hyperventilating and circling the car like a crazy woman looking for something hard to smash the window open and beyond ready to use my fist if I couldn't find something.  And (picture this) Justin is sitting in his driver seat doing something on his phone and Mia is playing with her toes.  I started screaming at Justin to find something to smash the window NOW or I was doing it myself while tears are forming.  Ever so calmly he says he's on the phone with the Franklin Police Dept. and they are sending the fire dept. to open up the car.  Nope didn't calm me down at all...I was yelling at him to ask the lady on the phone "How long? How long?!" and again ever so calmly he tells the lady that his wife is very upset and continues giving her the needed info.  Within 2 minutes we hear sirens and the fire dept shows up (still not comforted) and the first guy gets out and tells me not to worry she's going to be fine while tears are pouring and I am communicating through whimpers.  They grab some gear and begin trying to unlock the door while I am thinking...really?!  I expected them to have something to bust open the window and they are locksmithing it?!  Luckily they got it unlocked in about a minute and Mia was just fine, not even a bead of sweat she was happy as can be. 

Now looking back I have learned a few things.  First of all, my husband is my hero and he takes care of his girls.  God gave me this cool and collected man for a reason (because I am not so cool and collected?) and I need to let him do his thing before freaking.  Also, although we complain about our city's crazy high taxes and bored police officers they are rocking it out when you need them.  And lastly Mia should not be playing with mommy's keys. 

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Easy Breezy Days at the Pool???

Well I know it's not truly summer yet, but with the temps in the upper 90's let's go ahead and call it summer.  And what a great one it is so far.  It seems like many things have become so much easier with warm sunshine.  I don't have to layer Mia up in jackets over long sleeves on top of a onsie and remove all layers to change her diaper throughout the day instead I can throw on a simple romper and off we go.  I also don't have to warm up the car before going anywhere (although I will have to start cooling it soon).  And best of all we get to hang at pool.

I have always envied those mom's who would walk in the bank with their kids all dressed in swimsuits headed for a day at the pool.  I would daydream about the easy life of the stay at home know, sleeping in, afternoon naps, cooking gourmet meals in my cute apron, and those summers by the pool laying on a chair soaking up the sun with my favorite book...HAHAHAHAHA!!!  Obviously those where pre- motherhood dreams.  That life just doesn't exist for me or anyone I know.  Right now I have an actively active, always on the move, always into something 10 month old (yeah the 8 month old days seem forever ago) in addition to the other two girls I take care of during the week.  I just try to focus on keeping tantrums at bay, the house in working order, and avoiding any trips to the ER.

And don't let my tan fool you...the pool days are not easy breezy.  I honestly feel like I need to go into full detail of my day when the hubby gets home and asks what I did today.  If I just say "We went to the pool," I imagine him imagining what I used to imagine (LOL it makes sense to me).  In hind sight I should say, "Well, I got the kids ready -I put on the swimmer diapers, praying they wouldn't poop in them before getting to the pool, followed by the scream fest that accompanies putting the bathing suits on; then packed the huge ass bag of crap (nope, no book in there) filled with sippy cups, snacks, spare diapers, change of clothes, towels, sunscreen, hats, pool toys, etc.  Then I put on my tankini (that is going to give me weird tan lines) because I didn't want the other mom's thinking I am a skank by wearing a two peice.  After we all got ready I lugged the huge ass bag of crap, the pool floats, and pulled the girls in a wagon to the pool.  The fun began when I arrived and one child who seemed to love the water yesterday screams the entire time that I attempt to put her in the water while the other is screaming because she's hot and the third keeps asking when she can get in the big pool.  After I go into action mode and get everyone calmed down (snack cups are a savior) we get in the kiddie pool where there are kids a little too old kicking, splashing and putting the fear of God into me (but I am too big of a wuss to complain)."

Finally we actually get in a whole 30 minutes of triple happiness before having to get home.  It was all worth it because it was free entertainment, the house got less trashed this morning, I got some sun, and most importantly the kids napped like champs!  Easy? No. But still great. 

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Adventures in Baby Food

We went to the new Whole Foods store today which honestly wasn't anything special compared to the last, although they did have more selections in the organic baby food.  Lately I have been getting the pre-made baby food as the quick and easy back up when I don't make it myself.  This "making it myself" thing has only been going on the last month or two and some days it sucks!

Today I spent about 2 hours peeling, steaming, and baking fruits and veggies for Mia's meals for the week.  Mia was napping and so was daddy and as I was scooping zucchini into ice trays I was this really worth it?!  After spitting out every bite of butternut squash I made a couple weeks ago I vowed to only make her fruits and sweet potatoes (which I know she likes).  But the opening of the new store and the Franklin Farmer's market make me want to keep trying. 

Other than the obvious health benefits of making her food there are parts that I actually enjoy.  #1 I love to shop and try new things and it's become so exciting to grocery shop lately.  It's not as fun to grab the same ol baby food varieties (for me or Mia).  Instead, I feel like I am learning so much about the food world by making my grocery trips more of an adventure than a chore. 

I have tried and enjoyed all sorts of vegetables and fruits I never knew I liked (some I never knew existed).  Mia has also been exposed to all sorts of new flavors of the individual foods and my experiments in mixing them.  Of course, there have been many the fruit (I have no clue what it's called) I bought earlier in the week only to cut into it and have it basically explode on me.  And it's the flops that teach me little lessons in cooking.  Writing down the names of the mysterious fruits and veggies I buy (for Google purposes) is something I learned after tossing the exploding fruit. 

I have also taken on a whole new interest in my own nutrition.  I was never the organic type, nor did I cook things from scratch.  But, as with many other things baby related, I want the best for my daughter and in turn try to improve my own poor habits.  I want to be able to sit down for dinner and feel wholeheartedly confident that what I have on my plate can be chopped up for Mia to share and benefit from.  I admit, I say this as I splurged on McDonalds chicken nuggets (one of my guilty pleasures) yesterday, but isn't the fact that I feel guilty a step in the right direction? 

So, although I had to spend the extra time cooking and prepping this afternoon it's well worth it.  I hope I can continue to put Mia's health and nutrition on the forefront and learn from my little adventures in baby food.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Busy Bees

I have been told more and more lately that I always have something going on.  "Why don't you just slow down and give Mia a break?" was my sister's  most recent question.  My husband will sometimes ask, "So what's on the agenda this week?" in an exasperated tone.  I try not to take these questions/remarks as insults as I try to explain why it is important that I not miss this baby shower, birthday party or playdate.  First of all, Mia actually enjoys getting out and doing new things.  She is a people person and is much happier observing (the sometimes chaotic) new scenery than she is playing with the same ol' toys in the same ol' house. In fact, I found myself driving to the park to swing Mia (about a 1/4 mile away) before dinner last night because there was a 30 minute window and she was going nuts sitting around the house as was I trying to find something to entertain her and it worked like a charm!

I also find myself explaining why my day sucked because there was nothing to do. Since 90% of indoor crafts (for those under 2yrs) are either too advanced, too messy, or too expensive (let alone choking hazards) I choose not to tackle them by myself.   I am by no means lazy but neither am crazy enough to have a finger painting session with yogurt or other food products -as suggested by a magazine for my age group- in the house (remember I don't keep the kids in my own home).  I would have to hose off the 5 ft perimeter afterward because these girls don't mess around with throwing things.  I am also not okay with sitting the kids in front of the television for most of the day...and believe me some times I would love to because they like it just as much as I like the break.  However, I have that little angel on my shoulder waving her finger, so I limit tv to times of desparation or when I need to cook, clean, etc. without a kid on my hip. 

So, I have found that the best way to stay sane and keep the girls stimulated and happy is to go, go, go.  Luckily we live in a great city for this type of lifestyle because there are so many things to see and do in the Nashville area.  We have the best parks, libraries, museums and randomness like the Hatcher Dairy Farm tour we are doing later this month.  We are also involved in a couple playgroups with many other moms who have kids in the same age range and we get together weekly to have the adult convo and let the kids have an opportunity to play with each other (the different toys are the best part) and explore new places.

Sure this has become a bit hectic at times like when I schedule everything on top of one another and can't remember where we are supposed to be when.  It has also made it depressing for me when I don't have anywhere to take the girls during the day and I am dying to put Barney on.  But all in all my busy mom lifestyle has given me a way out of getting lost in my sweats.  I have a reason to put my hair in rollers and put makeup on in the morning.  I look forward to seeing new things and meeting new people.  And this has become a very, very happy time in my life.  Not only do I get to spend everyday watching my baby girl blossom but I have made special mom friends that I know will be a big part of our lives as well as taking a stronger hold on the importance of spending time with our family.  I want Mia to have a strong network of close friends and family when she gets older.  I can't wait to hear her say "we have been friends since we were in diapers"!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

A snapsot of Mia at 8 months

I have many posts so far on the ups and downs/ins and outs of being a new mom, but I am letting the most important part escape me.  It dawned on me that I have not really shined the light on my sweet baby in a while.  I admit that part of the novelty of writing my blog is that I get a chance to vent while admitting my ignorance to this new way of life.  However, the real reason behind the blog is to give both Mia and I an opportunity to look back and reflect on these precious moments that unfortunately can be overshadowed by the more frequent. 

I heard many mothers say that their baby's 8th month is one of the best.  I couldn't imagine that one could be more special than the other as each month thus far has been quite an exciting roller coaster.  But I do see month 8 as my favorite, as well.  I also see it as one full of so many small things I don't want to forget as Mia's personality is blooming, so I am just going to make a list as a snapshot at this point in our sweet girl's life.

  • She is a charmer.  No matter where we go we can always expect someone (usually more than one) person to stop to compliment Mia and she always returns their kindness with that beautiful smile and usually throws in some baby talk to top it off.  I think she is just a people person.  She loves to see new faces and reacts to those familiar ones with distinctness.  For instance, she screams with joy everytime her Mimi walks into the room or laughs uncontrollably whenever she see's her cousin Nathaniel. 
  • She is our little rolly polley.  In most of our playgroups Mia is as big as (or bigger than) most of the 10 month olds.  I swear I don't over feed the girl, but there's nothing that she doesn't like to eat.  As I prepared for the days of solid foods I read about how to get your baby to eat their veggies, etc.  But, I have never had to try to convince her to eat anything and I can only think of a time or two that she's ever stopped eating because she was full (a pound of puffs later).  There was even a point when we were having to put baby powder between her leg rolls because they were chafing.
  • Happy-go-lucky.  This kid is always in a good mood and not just in the sense that she is content...she's genuienly giggly, goofy and smiling 90% of the time.  If she's ticked there's usually a valid reason.
  • Go with the flow.  We have made many adjustments since Mia came into this world.  It's been just me and her and daddy in a queit house (in the beginning), to me keeping 3 one year olds at our house, then moving to her Mimi's and keeping just one of the 3 children at their home, as well as going to lots of playgroups during the week and traveling (to my sister's, etc.) on the weekends.  In each scenario she is never out of her element instead she's excited for a change of scenery.  Hmmm...maybe a little traveler when she grows up?
  • A busy body.  Mia always has ants in her pants.  She can't sit still for 2 seconds and she constantly needs a new form of entertainment.  Hand her a deck of cards or a cell phone and you'd think she just got a bag of gold.  Oh and of course food will always make her happy. 
  • We call her B.  My sister started calling her that when she was newborn because her middle name is Brooke (after my sis) and for some reason it's stuck.  And lately I have found myself calling her that all the time.  I don't know if we will be calling her that 18 years from now, but just in case we can see when it started. 
  • 8 month milestones:  She is weird with her milestones...she does something new (clapping and pulling herself up, for instance) for a week solid then moves onto something else and you forget she knows how to do it.  But the biggest thing right now, for me, is her 2 bottom teeth are coming in and I am obsessed with seeing and feeling them.  She is trying really hard to crawl, but so far only goes backward.  She realized she can scoot or roll to get to what she wants (or scream and I will get it for her).  Her favorite thing to do is walk along things.  She will go from the couch to the coffee table and back for an hour if you let her.  She is a brilliant baby and I have decided that I will not become a milestone Nazi so she can do whatever at her own pace and I am proud of her. 
  • She's mommy's favorite baby doll.  I absolutely love getting to dress her up in new outfits and all the accessories to go along with it.  In, fact it's rare if we leave the house without a bow or a hat on.  Of course she's just as adorable in a white onsie but where's the fun? 
  • Tough cookie.  We sometimes refer to her as baby hulk as she rips napkins to shreds.  However, in all seriousness B does not take any crap.  Maybe it's because she is constantly getting toys taken away or getting knocked around (by her 5 day a week big sis) but she has learned to hold tight to her toys and when another kid tries to steal it she will growl and hold on for dear's quite hilarious to see in action.  She just hasn't really got the guts to stand up to the one who steals them the most.  She'll get there though. 
  • She is a talker.  She talks and talks and talks!  Right now is mama, dada, baba, nana, and all sorts of other funky noises we can't even make but she always making noise.  Even talks in her sleep. 
Well, nap time has ended mid post and the balls B is playing with are beginning to bore her so I will end here.  Thanks for reading!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Hello My name is Mia's mom

While at the library today Mia made a new buddy.  There was an equally pudgy 8 month old little girl, Elli, and her mom who we sat next to during storytime.  The two girls bonded over their slobber covered toys which they were happy to share with one another as her mother and I compared their milestones.  We had a lot in common as did the little ones who were so close in age and size (which is a rarety for my little chunk).  We talked about seeing one another again at the next storytime and off we went.  On the way home I realized I didn't even know her name and neither did she know mine.  Both of us introduced our daughters, never exchanging our own names. 

It's become appearent that my identity has been buried in Mia's.  My world revolves around my child and I have become so consumed that I forget that I am Kristin, not just Mia's mom.  I have an amazing husband who is not just Mia's daddy and great friends who are not just the parents of Mia's playmates.  It's crazy how quickly this can be forgotten and all you think about about is your children.  Other than introducing my daughter before myself to new people, I spend more time picking her clothes out in the morning then my own, almost every book on my Nook has to do with parenting, recently the one day that I got the green light to shop for myself I blew almost my whole budget at the Children's Place, and of course, I have a blog dedicated entirely to Mia.

When I sit and think of all the changes that have taken place in my life this past year and a half I'm taken by surprise.  I never dreamed I would be a mom at this point in life.  My five year plan was basically continueing the climb up that career ladder and traveling with my husband.  Then one week my sister (Aunt Caca) and her family came for a visit.  She had been living in Alaska the past two years and it had been about that long since I'd seen my nephew (6 yrs) and my neice (2 yrs).  The trip fell around my sister and brother in law's anniversary so my mom kept my nephew while Justin and I offered to take my neice back to Franklin with us for the night.  I had such an amazing time with her that day shopping and going out to lunch (just us gals) and then reading her a story and cuddling that night...I got a quick glimpse into motherhood. 

However, I didn't get bit by the maternal bug until the morning I had to take them to the airport.  My sister and I are very close friends and being that far away from her was extremely hard on me, but I was used to the kids being away because I hadn't spent that much time with them at that point (military family).  I got that lump in my throat and did my best to hold back the tears when I had to say goodbye although a few slipped.  Then I got home and was unloading the carseat from my car and my neice's My Little Pony fell on the driveway...I completely lost it!  I cried my heart out for the little girl I didn't think I was going to get to see grow up and it was then I knew for sure I wanted one of my own.  I began praying for God to bless us with a daughter; I got Justin on board (the trying to make a baby part always sounds like fun) and here we are...Mr. and Mrs. Mia's Parents.

We have changed just about everything in our lives to make hers as special as it can be and I would never call any of those changes sacrifices.  So far I think we are great parents and I hope we are making God proud of the job we are doing.  However, we are still Kristin and Justin have to put ourselves in check sometimes and not spend a whole date night discussing Mia and put just as much energy into being good to ourselves and our marriage.

News update... for those who don't know, my brother in law got stationed in Ft. Campbell a few months back so now our daughters will get to grow up together. God is good!!!!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Susie Homemaker

I just had a huge weight lifted off my chest as I confessed to my friend that I was playing around on her sewing machine (while she was away) and may or may not have broken something.  I felt like a little kid always admiring her mommas jewelry box when at one point she finally decides to have some fun with it's contents only to break the first thing she touches.  Then she must go and tell mom what she'd done and pray for forgiveness.  Of course, I am a bit on the dramatic side (those close to me know this)and my friend did not take a switch to me.  I just told her how much I have wanted to learn to sew and decided to give it a go on her fancy machine without having a clue what I was doing and all was forgiven. 

In fact learning to sew is not all I have wanted to do lately; I have had a huge desire to do all things crafty because, well...isn't that (and cooking) what stay at home moms are supposed to be good at?  Maybe this desire stems from having a single mother who did not have the time to stay home and make us hair bows and elaborate meals.  Or maybe it's because this is my new career and I feel like I should be accomplishing more than changing diapers and doing laundry.  Learning to sew or actually finishing one of my knitting projects may give me some sense of accomplishment.  I may not get a promotion, but heck I will at least have something to brag about in our playgroups.  I picture it of the mom's says, "Oh what cute outfits Mia and Autumn have on" and I answer ever so proudly "Thanks, I made those"...hehehe.  In reality, though, I think Mia will be telling me how ugly my creation is before I actually make something she could wear. 

Then there's cooking.  I am actually good at this but I am a slacker chef lately.  I get on these kicks where I cook something good every night for a stretch and then I am asking my husband where I should get carry out because I haven't the energy to cook.  I realize where I fall short in this's the meal planning thing.  I married a planner, but I am far from being one myself.  Yet, I have this beckoning to start improving in this area.  As a mom, shouldn't I have my little grocery list made out with ingredients for everything I am making for the week with corresponding coupons? 

I feel as though there needs to be a stew simmering on the stove all day and pre-made (by me) meals in the freezer for those days I don't have energy to do major cooking.  Yet, I don't even make grocery lists!  Instead I go to Publix and walk through the doors hoping for inspiration from the lady making the samples or the backs of the Campbell Soup cans.  If I happen to plan ahead and get meat for future meals I never remember to thaw it out at the beginning of the day and it's, "Honey, is Zaxby's okay for dinner?"

I could keep going on about how bad I suck at being Susie Homemaker, but I won't.  I am going to make a goal for myself to at least stop sucking so much.  It will take baby steps but I don't see any reason that I can't learn to function a sewing machine (I should at least be able to hem Mia's pants in the future since she's probably going to be cursed with Marino height deficiency) and I can try making a grocery list from time to time.  I'm sure there will be future posts on these long.

Friday, April 1, 2011

I've Created a Monster

Since day one our little princess has been cuddled up close at all times.  We have enjoyed having her warm that place in the middle of the bed.  Our evening ritual of bath time followed by reading a couple books and snuggling until Mia closes her eyes for the night has been nothing less than amazing.  It's especially sweet in the morning when she wakes up (only when we are ready) with her playful mood full of giggles and blabbering...she is our morning sunshine.

Naps have been a mixture of sleeping in the swing, maybe 30 minutes in the pac'n play and the good long ones when she is in the baby carrier attached to me or if I am next to her in any place (as long as she can feel me).  I have loved having her soft and warm body so close the past 8 months; as a SIDS phobic it's been a great way for me to rest assured she's breathing. 

Lately, however, I have started hearing comments such as, "You are just making it harder for yourselves to get her out of the bed later." and "You are never going to get that girl out of your bed", "You're creating a monster!" echoed over and over in my sleep deprived head. Until now these comments have went in one ear and out the other (along with many others) but appearently they are coming back to haunt me as a reality.  My little love bug refuses to sleep without me and the 19 lb squirmer is killing me!  The ergo carrier is great for trips to grocery or mall and I love our evening and morning cuddle time. But carrying her around the house to nap so I can can get some laundry and dishes done or being kicked and punched all night long is really beginning to take a toll on my sanity.

I have friends who have sworn by the cry it out method and I have attemped it only to be torchered by her blood curdling cries...I could only take 5 minutes before scooping her up and holding her in my arms (in our bed) until she cried herself to sleep.  It breaks my heart to know she is in her crib feeling abandoned and afraid and I am just letting her experience this so I can get a little more shut eye.  It makes me feel selfish and cold hearted, although I've never considered those who have used the method to be anything of the sort.  She has this great cozy room with a comfy crib we spent big bucks on for our little princess to sleep in and instead Mia (and sometimes me) just consider it a lonely place far away from a warm embrace. 

I know that if I would have started putting her in her crib from day one I would not be sitting here writing this now.  But the reality is that I have created the monster and I don't know what to do at this point.  It's as though I have to decide whether my happiness should trump hers and put her in the crib until she cries herself to sleep or have her kicking my ribs until she's in high school.  I said she would be in her crib at 3 months, and then 6 months, and again made the assertion that she would be in there by the time we that all have passed with her cozied up in our bed I am thinking at least by age 1!  Hopefully sooner.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Uptight Mom Syndrome

I have taken care of other people's children more times than I can count.  I hated caring for the kid's with the uptight parents who (I thought) had no faith in my childcare skills.  Here we go, I would think to myself, as a mom would go over all the do's and don'ts for the period I'd be spending with her little one.  I would stress the whole time that I may leave something out of order or the munchkin would fall and hurt himself on my watch.  Well since becoming a mom I have now been given a whole new perspective on this type of relationship. I left Mia with strangers twice this weekend and you must imagine my surprise when my husband told me I was acting like the uptight parent.

Friday night we wanted to go to dinner with some friends and actually eat our meal instead of play pick up Mia's toys from from under the table the entire time.  Earlier that day one of the mom's in a playgroup told me about the drop in/mom's day out childcare facility she owns and I decided to give it a shot that night.  I walked in the facility and was greeted by the sweet lady whom answered my million questions over the phone previously.  She gave me the opportunity to walk around and check the place out.  Although it was bright and cheery all I could think about was that it smelled like diapers and the toys and cribs were used and abused (all I saw was germs).  I reminded myself that it was only an hour and we were eating right next door.  But, the uptight mommy in me still came out as I told the lady to lay down the blanket I brought before laying Mia down in the crib, that she likes to be held until falling asleep so laying her down would probably upset her, exactly how long to heat her bottle up, that I preferred her playing with the toys I packed in the bag since everything goes in her mouth (although the rules stated no personal toys), and more than once reminded the caretaker that we would be right nextdoor should anything come up.  Mia ended up being held the whole time, never fussed and seemed happy when we got her not over an hour later.  I don't know why I was amazed but I was!

This experience gave me such courage that Sunday instead of holding Mia during the church sermon I decided to take her to the nursery.  This we have tried a couple times and she usually cried until they came and got us.  So, feeling frisky (as Justin said) I brought her back to the childrens center to register her and once again had got my uptight mom on.  When I told the lady Mia's age she sent us to a room with babies all in car seats or cribs and I immediatly turned around and told the lady that although Mia is 7 months she is too big to sit in a car seat or crib for over an hour (she'd die of boredome) and she belongs in the room with the jumper-roo and exersaucers!  So, ever so kindley the lady allowed us to bring her to the other room.  Once there I found myself instructing the women on how she likes to play best "Oh good you have high chairs...she can sit in one and play with the toys I brought in her diaper bag".  I didn't see any dirty looks -had it not been church I'm sure I would have recieved a couple.  But, Mia was great.  I found myself waiting for the cue to go get her before the service ended and was again amazed she was just fine the whole time

At one point after leaving Mia I caught Justin smirking and I asked him if I was being uptight and he told me that I can get a little "snippy".  Oh no!  I never meant to be like that.  I had become one of those mom's, times ten!  After he said that I sat there thinking that I am a control freak when it comes to Mia.  I guess my being with her 24/7 has given me this my way or the highway mentality.  Oops!  I told Justin that from now on I would communicate through him since he does not come across as "snippy" and it will allow him to filter my excessiveness. 

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Germs, Germs Go Away!

I am utterly heartbroken and at a loss of what to do.  My poor Mia is sick again!  I feel like screaming because this child just got over a bad flu last month and here we go again.  I thought I was doing everything right...I chose to keep her out of daycare, I keep an uber clean home, I wash and sanitize like a mad woman, I attempt to keep her from other sick children, and I breastfed for the first 4.5 months.

So maybe I have fallen short in some areas...maybe I should have fought harder to breastfeed her longer (although my milk upset her belly), maybe I shouldn't let her touch the shopping cart at the grocery store (even though I wiped it with sanitizer), or let the dogs kiss her face, or let her play with other kids toys since she puts everything in her mouth.  Maybe we shouldn't go to so many playdates were she has more chance of getting exposed to sick children.  Maybe I am just a loon for thinking I can bring my baby up in a germ free world.

But, here we are again with a burning hot baby and I am trying to figure out what to do.  It sucks that basically all I can give her is some fever reducer (that doesn't reduce too much) and consider another trip to the doc for their opinion which I am not leaning toward.  Last time we went to the doctor (incuring almost $500 in medical bills) we got to stand by and watch them torture her with a cathereter and take multiple blood samples as we were given the possibility of a spinal tap.  All said and done there was never a solution or a simple diagnosis after 2 days of visits and tests.  We were basically told to let it ride out; told all was well even to the point that her temperature reached a scorching 104.5.

I would do anything for her to feel better.  There is nothing worse than seeing our goofy, happy-go-lucky baby not laugh or smile but look miserable and feel like she has been baking in the oven.  And although I don't feel so hot myself I would triple my pain for her to be happy. 

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

I Will Love You Even if You Turn Into a Bear

Let me start by saying I AM AN IDIOT! I was getting ready to publish my blog when my phone rang (I am blogging on my iPhone) and I never saved so it erased everything. That's dumb of me because I didn't push save before answering but what makes me an IDIOT is this is the second time I have done this. Hence not much blogging in the past couple weeks cause I keep making it harder than necessary!

However since it is my goal to print my posts for Mia to look back on when she gets older I am determined not to let these mistakes deter me.

So today I have been a bit emotional. Maybe it's the big move we are making this weekend or my being under the weather but I cried this morning because I feel like crap and we have so much to do this week, I cried after talking to my best friend about her new baby and it made me realize how quick they grow, and I even cried after reading the girls a book before naps.

I think the book is called Momma Do You Love Me? (I am not going in the room to check and risk a wake up). It's about a conversation between a little girl and her mother in which the daughter comes up with all sorts of scenarios such as breaking something, running away, turning into a bear, etc. and asks her mom if she would love her still. The mom continues to respond that although she may be scared or angry she would still love her.

The little story is holds such strong meaning for me about the bond between mother and daughter. It took me becoming a mother myself to realize this unconditional deep deep love a mother has for her child. I know that there is not one thing in the world my Mia could ever do to make me stop loving her. I am not ignorant to the fact that she may make me angry or disappointed in the years to come but she is a part of me (the best part) and my love for her will never fade. I hope and pray that I am at least a good enough mother that she will never have to question my love for her. Because even if she turns into a bear I'll know my girl is in there somewhere and I will still love her!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

I had Starbucks Today

So here's the part where my husband being a follower of my blog sucks.  So I just came out and said it in the title...I HAD STARBUCKS TODAY!  I was coming from a long day of the nanny-mom life and decided that I needed a cold Iced Caramel Machiatto and I just went for it. And ever since if finished my last sip (and decided to clear the evidence out of my car) I felt really guilty.  I have chosen to diminish a large chunk of our income by being a SAHM (new term I learned) and yet there I am sucking down a $4.50 drink.  Then I get a phone call from from the mom I nanny for and she was feeling guilty for getting pedicure (On her anniversary) and I was thinking what is wrong with her she works her butt off and there's is nothing wrong with that.  Yet, I was beating myself up for having Starbucks. 

On the other hand, I went to Micheals, put a pretty penny toward craft stuff for a project in Mia's room and was okay with that because it's for Mia; same with the zoo trip for the girls -not much guilt there.  Because these are things for the girls, not me.  But guess what?  We gotta do something for our selves every now and then or...can't think of any other way to say it...we will become bitches.  So I decided I would let it go because we deserve a little splurge every now and then, guilt free, the husbands will get over little things (not shopping sprees at the mall).  Will I go back to having a sweet, lovely, delicious, energizing, refreshing ICM every day?  No, but maybe I deserve to get one every week or so and maybe going and getting a pedi is well deserved to! 

Anywho, on the Mia front.  She had a great day at the zoo.  It is amazing how much she has grown in 7 months (tomorrow).  Last time we went to the zoo at 4 months she was oblivious to the animals and today she was giggling her little head off at the crazy monkeys.  She has also replaced her usual banter of "blah bla blah with ma ma ma" and Justin and I are beginning to think this little munchkin is a going to be a chatterbox.

BTW I have a feeling I will be getting a financial lashing following the publishing of this post.  Love you Babe!!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Looking Forward to Monday

What a weekend!  There are weekends that just fly by and I feel as though I haven't had one at all and then there are those like this one that -although quick- leave me feeling refreshed and motivated for the week ahead. 

I have recently joined a couple playgroups so the girls and I can socialize during the week.  We have been able to go to a couple meet ups within the last week or so, but with kids, us mommies spend more time chasing after them then we do getting to know one another which is cool because it is more about them anyway.  However, there are usually weekly mom's night out events in which it's just the moms and I attended my second MNO to have dinner at Macaroni Grill Friday night -first MNO was painting at Sips n' Strokes where we got to much fun- with 2 other lovely ladies.  I must admit that I was kinda nervous to go to a restuarant with two almost strangers (we met once at a playdate).  I always hate that awkard 'we have nothing in common' silent thing...something like a blind date.  But, it was not at all like that.  It was almost like the 3 of us had been friends forever because not only were there no akward silences but we ended up closing Macaroni Grill down (3 hours later) we had so much to talk about.  I really think that motherhood gives you an appreciation and love for other mom's and no matter how different you may be there is a connection between women who are sharing the same experiences through the mom life.  I got home and was in such a good mood that I didn't care that Justin's boys night had -not surprisingly- ended until 2 AM.  The guys just don't know when to call it a night.

Then Saturday we went to my favorite breakfast place, J Christopher's while we waited for the kid's consignment place to go through the 3 large totes of Mia clothes I was selling (that's a whole different blog, haha).  Got home and got ready for Mia's 6 month pictures. At that point, there was a brief flop in my happy weekend when I couldn't find ANYTHING to wear because I HATE HATE HATE MY CLOTHES as I said a dozen times while I stared at my closet in disgust (won't even get into that now).  But, I eventually found something halfway descent to put on and we headed to MiMi's so our very talented photographer friend could do his thing.  And a great job he did...can't wait to get those pictures in. 

Saturday night my little sister came over with my niece and just like Friday night the two of us just sat and talked and talked and talked.  Today we took the girls to lunch while the dads cleared out the two rooms at his mom's house that we will be moving into and took all the stuff to storage.  Mia and Elysia fell asleep on the way home and napped for another couple hours giving us time to give eachother mani's and pedi's.  I wanted to paint my toenails Saturday for our pictures and only got one big toe done before Mia needed me and I forgot about it so it was nice of Monica to finish up the other 9 toes for me.

So, now I am getting ready to cuddle up to my sleeping baby and get ready for tomorrow.  I am really excited to be starting a -sort of- new job.  Since we are moving I will no longer be keeping a house full of kiddies which I will and won't miss (also another a future blog topic).  I really want to be with my daughter these first few years and we are both sacrificing a lot to be able to make it happen (hence no more professional pedi's and sucky wardrobe) but I am willing to do whatever to share this time with her which is why I am not working the ol' nine to fiver. 

Anyway, I was taking care of three one year olds at home which was one of the most rewarding and tiring experiences of my life.  And now I have been given a great opportunity to become a full time nanny at the home of one of the sweet little girls I was keeping, which I am starting tomorrow.  So, I am going from 4 kids to two and let me tell you that after having 4, two is a walk in the park!  Not only that I have grown to love the other baby as my own and I can't wait for her and Mia to grow up together. 

This blog has turned out to be much longer and quite scattered in topics than intended, but to sum it up I had a great weekend and was refreshed with lots of girl talk and family time.  I also have a bright outlook on my new job that I can still bring my girl to.  God definetly has his hands on our family and we are blessed beyond what we deserve and so thankful. 

Oops how could I almost forget?!  Mia said her first word Saturday.  Justin, Solomon and I were giving her a bath and clear as day she said "Mommy"!!!!!!!!!!!  I can't even explain the feeling. 

Friday, February 25, 2011

Booger Momster

I used to be one of those people who would ask for another table if we were sat next to a screaming child.  I found that attending baby showers was a friendship obligation.  Our TV didn't know what Sesame Street or Barney was.  I found poopy diapers, spit up and snotty noses to be nothing less that revolting.  When I shopped I shopped!  When I slept I slept!  and it seemed all I had was "me time" fact I had so much I had never even heard of "me time".

Fast forward to today.  Yes you guessed kid is the screaming child in the restaurant. I have not only discovered Barney and re-discovered Sesame Street but those two little shows now have a place in my heart.  I don't know why but even my 6 month old LOVES that sometimes creepy purple dinosaur and honestly Sesame Street Rocks!  I now get excited when I get a baby shower invite in the mail because it's somewhere I can not only bring Mia, but people are usually so baby-happy that she gets passed around the whole time -which means I can go pee, twiddle my thumbs or whatever...I have two hands.  When I shop it's A:  Mia comes with and I have a 30 min time frame to hurry up and get what I need and before my shoulders go numb (she is happiest in the Baby Bjorn carrier) or she is hungry, has a dirty diaper, is just crying to cry or B:  I ask daddy and in that case I also have a 30 min window because well any of the previous may happen to him and I should be home for that. 

Sleeping, ah sleeping...I don't even know what that means anymore but I hope to have that little luxury back someday.  I know it sounds bad yet I get the crazy thought sometimes that it would be nice to take a couple Tylenol PM's and lock the door and not wake up for a whole 12 hrs.  I would definitely count that as a whole month's worth of "me time".  Isn't that funny?  "Me time" cracked me up when I first heard someone say she needed it and now I crack up at myself when I realize I would put that on my list of favorite things in life.  If you don't know that the importance of it yet, have will! 

My normal weekday was get up (from 8+ hours of sleep), brush teeth, take shower, blow dry hair, fix hair, put on makeup, dress in cute outfit, stop at Starbucks, go to work, come home dress in comfies, make a glass of wine (or two), watch favorite afternoon show, and go out to dinner (preferably not next to crying child) or cook on special occasions and go to bed.  Oh and weekends were about the same minus work plus a glass of wine.  Now I must shower (due to spit up or boogies in hair), I have to have coffee due to lack of sleep, my comfies are about all that fit, I am struggling to find something to put together for dinner (God forbid I have to go to the grocery) and my wine rack has become a holder for spit up rags and blankies. 

Yet, at the end of the day as I am giving Mia a bath and she is giggling as she soaks me with water I am smiling and laughing more than I ever did and I as am putting lotion on those chunky legs and putting her to bed with a story I feel more love in my heart than I ever knew I had.  So, all those stinky diapers I changed and all that snot I wiped from her nose was all worth it and I am so blessed to get to do it another day!!!