Tuesday, March 15, 2011

I Will Love You Even if You Turn Into a Bear

Let me start by saying I AM AN IDIOT! I was getting ready to publish my blog when my phone rang (I am blogging on my iPhone) and I never saved so it erased everything. That's dumb of me because I didn't push save before answering but what makes me an IDIOT is this is the second time I have done this. Hence not much blogging in the past couple weeks cause I keep making it harder than necessary!

However since it is my goal to print my posts for Mia to look back on when she gets older I am determined not to let these mistakes deter me.

So today I have been a bit emotional. Maybe it's the big move we are making this weekend or my being under the weather but I cried this morning because I feel like crap and we have so much to do this week, I cried after talking to my best friend about her new baby and it made me realize how quick they grow, and I even cried after reading the girls a book before naps.

I think the book is called Momma Do You Love Me? (I am not going in the room to check and risk a wake up). It's about a conversation between a little girl and her mother in which the daughter comes up with all sorts of scenarios such as breaking something, running away, turning into a bear, etc. and asks her mom if she would love her still. The mom continues to respond that although she may be scared or angry she would still love her.

The little story is holds such strong meaning for me about the bond between mother and daughter. It took me becoming a mother myself to realize this unconditional deep deep love a mother has for her child. I know that there is not one thing in the world my Mia could ever do to make me stop loving her. I am not ignorant to the fact that she may make me angry or disappointed in the years to come but she is a part of me (the best part) and my love for her will never fade. I hope and pray that I am at least a good enough mother that she will never have to question my love for her. Because even if she turns into a bear I'll know my girl is in there somewhere and I will still love her!

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