Tuesday, March 1, 2011

I had Starbucks Today

So here's the part where my husband being a follower of my blog sucks.  So I just came out and said it in the title...I HAD STARBUCKS TODAY!  I was coming from a long day of the nanny-mom life and decided that I needed a cold Iced Caramel Machiatto and I just went for it. And ever since if finished my last sip (and decided to clear the evidence out of my car) I felt really guilty.  I have chosen to diminish a large chunk of our income by being a SAHM (new term I learned) and yet there I am sucking down a $4.50 drink.  Then I get a phone call from from the mom I nanny for and she was feeling guilty for getting pedicure (On her anniversary) and I was thinking what is wrong with her she works her butt off and there's is nothing wrong with that.  Yet, I was beating myself up for having Starbucks. 

On the other hand, I went to Micheals, put a pretty penny toward craft stuff for a project in Mia's room and was okay with that because it's for Mia; same with the zoo trip for the girls -not much guilt there.  Because these are things for the girls, not me.  But guess what?  We gotta do something for our selves every now and then or...can't think of any other way to say it...we will become bitches.  So I decided I would let it go because we deserve a little splurge every now and then, guilt free, the husbands will get over little things (not shopping sprees at the mall).  Will I go back to having a sweet, lovely, delicious, energizing, refreshing ICM every day?  No, but maybe I deserve to get one every week or so and maybe going and getting a pedi is well deserved to! 

Anywho, on the Mia front.  She had a great day at the zoo.  It is amazing how much she has grown in 7 months (tomorrow).  Last time we went to the zoo at 4 months she was oblivious to the animals and today she was giggling her little head off at the crazy monkeys.  She has also replaced her usual banter of "blah bla blah with ma ma ma" and Justin and I are beginning to think this little munchkin is a going to be a chatterbox.

BTW I have a feeling I will be getting a financial lashing following the publishing of this post.  Love you Babe!!

1 comment:

  1. My husband asked me to clear up SAHM for him...(stay at home mom for someone who doesn't know) and my lashing wasn't too bad :)
