Tuesday, April 26, 2011

A snapsot of Mia at 8 months

I have many posts so far on the ups and downs/ins and outs of being a new mom, but I am letting the most important part escape me.  It dawned on me that I have not really shined the light on my sweet baby in a while.  I admit that part of the novelty of writing my blog is that I get a chance to vent while admitting my ignorance to this new way of life.  However, the real reason behind the blog is to give both Mia and I an opportunity to look back and reflect on these precious moments that unfortunately can be overshadowed by the more frequent. 

I heard many mothers say that their baby's 8th month is one of the best.  I couldn't imagine that one could be more special than the other as each month thus far has been quite an exciting roller coaster.  But I do see month 8 as my favorite, as well.  I also see it as one full of so many small things I don't want to forget as Mia's personality is blooming, so I am just going to make a list as a snapshot at this point in our sweet girl's life.

  • She is a charmer.  No matter where we go we can always expect someone (usually more than one) person to stop to compliment Mia and she always returns their kindness with that beautiful smile and usually throws in some baby talk to top it off.  I think she is just a people person.  She loves to see new faces and reacts to those familiar ones with distinctness.  For instance, she screams with joy everytime her Mimi walks into the room or laughs uncontrollably whenever she see's her cousin Nathaniel. 
  • She is our little rolly polley.  In most of our playgroups Mia is as big as (or bigger than) most of the 10 month olds.  I swear I don't over feed the girl, but there's nothing that she doesn't like to eat.  As I prepared for the days of solid foods I read about how to get your baby to eat their veggies, etc.  But, I have never had to try to convince her to eat anything and I can only think of a time or two that she's ever stopped eating because she was full (a pound of puffs later).  There was even a point when we were having to put baby powder between her leg rolls because they were chafing.
  • Happy-go-lucky.  This kid is always in a good mood and not just in the sense that she is content...she's genuienly giggly, goofy and smiling 90% of the time.  If she's ticked there's usually a valid reason.
  • Go with the flow.  We have made many adjustments since Mia came into this world.  It's been just me and her and daddy in a queit house (in the beginning), to me keeping 3 one year olds at our house, then moving to her Mimi's and keeping just one of the 3 children at their home, as well as going to lots of playgroups during the week and traveling (to my sister's, etc.) on the weekends.  In each scenario she is never out of her element instead she's excited for a change of scenery.  Hmmm...maybe a little traveler when she grows up?
  • A busy body.  Mia always has ants in her pants.  She can't sit still for 2 seconds and she constantly needs a new form of entertainment.  Hand her a deck of cards or a cell phone and you'd think she just got a bag of gold.  Oh and of course food will always make her happy. 
  • We call her B.  My sister started calling her that when she was newborn because her middle name is Brooke (after my sis) and for some reason it's stuck.  And lately I have found myself calling her that all the time.  I don't know if we will be calling her that 18 years from now, but just in case we can see when it started. 
  • 8 month milestones:  She is weird with her milestones...she does something new (clapping and pulling herself up, for instance) for a week solid then moves onto something else and you forget she knows how to do it.  But the biggest thing right now, for me, is her 2 bottom teeth are coming in and I am obsessed with seeing and feeling them.  She is trying really hard to crawl, but so far only goes backward.  She realized she can scoot or roll to get to what she wants (or scream and I will get it for her).  Her favorite thing to do is walk along things.  She will go from the couch to the coffee table and back for an hour if you let her.  She is a brilliant baby and I have decided that I will not become a milestone Nazi so she can do whatever at her own pace and I am proud of her. 
  • She's mommy's favorite baby doll.  I absolutely love getting to dress her up in new outfits and all the accessories to go along with it.  In, fact it's rare if we leave the house without a bow or a hat on.  Of course she's just as adorable in a white onsie but where's the fun? 
  • Tough cookie.  We sometimes refer to her as baby hulk as she rips napkins to shreds.  However, in all seriousness B does not take any crap.  Maybe it's because she is constantly getting toys taken away or getting knocked around (by her 5 day a week big sis) but she has learned to hold tight to her toys and when another kid tries to steal it she will growl and hold on for dear life...it's quite hilarious to see in action.  She just hasn't really got the guts to stand up to the one who steals them the most.  She'll get there though. 
  • She is a talker.  She talks and talks and talks!  Right now is mama, dada, baba, nana, and all sorts of other funky noises we can't even make but she always making noise.  Even talks in her sleep. 
Well, nap time has ended mid post and the balls B is playing with are beginning to bore her so I will end here.  Thanks for reading!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Hello My name is Mia's mom

While at the library today Mia made a new buddy.  There was an equally pudgy 8 month old little girl, Elli, and her mom who we sat next to during storytime.  The two girls bonded over their slobber covered toys which they were happy to share with one another as her mother and I compared their milestones.  We had a lot in common as did the little ones who were so close in age and size (which is a rarety for my little chunk).  We talked about seeing one another again at the next storytime and off we went.  On the way home I realized I didn't even know her name and neither did she know mine.  Both of us introduced our daughters, never exchanging our own names. 

It's become appearent that my identity has been buried in Mia's.  My world revolves around my child and I have become so consumed that I forget that I am Kristin, not just Mia's mom.  I have an amazing husband who is not just Mia's daddy and great friends who are not just the parents of Mia's playmates.  It's crazy how quickly this can be forgotten and all you think about about is your children.  Other than introducing my daughter before myself to new people, I spend more time picking her clothes out in the morning then my own, almost every book on my Nook has to do with parenting, recently the one day that I got the green light to shop for myself I blew almost my whole budget at the Children's Place, and of course, I have a blog dedicated entirely to Mia.

When I sit and think of all the changes that have taken place in my life this past year and a half I'm taken by surprise.  I never dreamed I would be a mom at this point in life.  My five year plan was basically continueing the climb up that career ladder and traveling with my husband.  Then one week my sister (Aunt Caca) and her family came for a visit.  She had been living in Alaska the past two years and it had been about that long since I'd seen my nephew (6 yrs) and my neice (2 yrs).  The trip fell around my sister and brother in law's anniversary so my mom kept my nephew while Justin and I offered to take my neice back to Franklin with us for the night.  I had such an amazing time with her that day shopping and going out to lunch (just us gals) and then reading her a story and cuddling that night...I got a quick glimpse into motherhood. 

However, I didn't get bit by the maternal bug until the morning I had to take them to the airport.  My sister and I are very close friends and being that far away from her was extremely hard on me, but I was used to the kids being away because I hadn't spent that much time with them at that point (military family).  I got that lump in my throat and did my best to hold back the tears when I had to say goodbye although a few slipped.  Then I got home and was unloading the carseat from my car and my neice's My Little Pony fell on the driveway...I completely lost it!  I cried my heart out for the little girl I didn't think I was going to get to see grow up and it was then I knew for sure I wanted one of my own.  I began praying for God to bless us with a daughter; I got Justin on board (the trying to make a baby part always sounds like fun) and here we are...Mr. and Mrs. Mia's Parents.

We have changed just about everything in our lives to make hers as special as it can be and I would never call any of those changes sacrifices.  So far I think we are great parents and I hope we are making God proud of the job we are doing.  However, we are still Kristin and Justin have to put ourselves in check sometimes and not spend a whole date night discussing Mia and put just as much energy into being good to ourselves and our marriage.

News update... for those who don't know, my brother in law got stationed in Ft. Campbell a few months back so now our daughters will get to grow up together. God is good!!!!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Susie Homemaker

I just had a huge weight lifted off my chest as I confessed to my friend that I was playing around on her sewing machine (while she was away) and may or may not have broken something.  I felt like a little kid always admiring her mommas jewelry box when at one point she finally decides to have some fun with it's contents only to break the first thing she touches.  Then she must go and tell mom what she'd done and pray for forgiveness.  Of course, I am a bit on the dramatic side (those close to me know this)and my friend did not take a switch to me.  I just told her how much I have wanted to learn to sew and decided to give it a go on her fancy machine without having a clue what I was doing and all was forgiven. 

In fact learning to sew is not all I have wanted to do lately; I have had a huge desire to do all things crafty because, well...isn't that (and cooking) what stay at home moms are supposed to be good at?  Maybe this desire stems from having a single mother who did not have the time to stay home and make us hair bows and elaborate meals.  Or maybe it's because this is my new career and I feel like I should be accomplishing more than changing diapers and doing laundry.  Learning to sew or actually finishing one of my knitting projects may give me some sense of accomplishment.  I may not get a promotion, but heck I will at least have something to brag about in our playgroups.  I picture it now...one of the mom's says, "Oh what cute outfits Mia and Autumn have on" and I answer ever so proudly "Thanks, I made those"...hehehe.  In reality, though, I think Mia will be telling me how ugly my creation is before I actually make something she could wear. 

Then there's cooking.  I am actually good at this but I am a slacker chef lately.  I get on these kicks where I cook something good every night for a stretch and then I am asking my husband where I should get carry out because I haven't the energy to cook.  I realize where I fall short in this aspect...it's the meal planning thing.  I married a planner, but I am far from being one myself.  Yet, I have this beckoning to start improving in this area.  As a mom, shouldn't I have my little grocery list made out with ingredients for everything I am making for the week with corresponding coupons? 

I feel as though there needs to be a stew simmering on the stove all day and pre-made (by me) meals in the freezer for those days I don't have energy to do major cooking.  Yet, I don't even make grocery lists!  Instead I go to Publix and walk through the doors hoping for inspiration from the lady making the samples or the backs of the Campbell Soup cans.  If I happen to plan ahead and get meat for future meals I never remember to thaw it out at the beginning of the day and it's, "Honey, is Zaxby's okay for dinner?"

I could keep going on about how bad I suck at being Susie Homemaker, but I won't.  I am going to make a goal for myself to at least stop sucking so much.  It will take baby steps but I don't see any reason that I can't learn to function a sewing machine (I should at least be able to hem Mia's pants in the future since she's probably going to be cursed with Marino height deficiency) and I can try making a grocery list from time to time.  I'm sure there will be future posts on these topics...so long.

Friday, April 1, 2011

I've Created a Monster

Since day one our little princess has been cuddled up close at all times.  We have enjoyed having her warm that place in the middle of the bed.  Our evening ritual of bath time followed by reading a couple books and snuggling until Mia closes her eyes for the night has been nothing less than amazing.  It's especially sweet in the morning when she wakes up (only when we are ready) with her playful mood full of giggles and blabbering...she is our morning sunshine.

Naps have been a mixture of sleeping in the swing, maybe 30 minutes in the pac'n play and the good long ones when she is in the baby carrier attached to me or if I am next to her in any place (as long as she can feel me).  I have loved having her soft and warm body so close the past 8 months; as a SIDS phobic it's been a great way for me to rest assured she's breathing. 

Lately, however, I have started hearing comments such as, "You are just making it harder for yourselves to get her out of the bed later." and "You are never going to get that girl out of your bed", "You're creating a monster!" echoed over and over in my sleep deprived head. Until now these comments have went in one ear and out the other (along with many others) but appearently they are coming back to haunt me as a reality.  My little love bug refuses to sleep without me and the 19 lb squirmer is killing me!  The ergo carrier is great for trips to grocery or mall and I love our evening and morning cuddle time. But carrying her around the house to nap so I can can get some laundry and dishes done or being kicked and punched all night long is really beginning to take a toll on my sanity.

I have friends who have sworn by the cry it out method and I have attemped it only to be torchered by her blood curdling cries...I could only take 5 minutes before scooping her up and holding her in my arms (in our bed) until she cried herself to sleep.  It breaks my heart to know she is in her crib feeling abandoned and afraid and I am just letting her experience this so I can get a little more shut eye.  It makes me feel selfish and cold hearted, although I've never considered those who have used the method to be anything of the sort.  She has this great cozy room with a comfy crib we spent big bucks on for our little princess to sleep in and instead Mia (and sometimes me) just consider it a lonely place far away from a warm embrace. 

I know that if I would have started putting her in her crib from day one I would not be sitting here writing this now.  But the reality is that I have created the monster and I don't know what to do at this point.  It's as though I have to decide whether my happiness should trump hers and put her in the crib until she cries herself to sleep or have her kicking my ribs until she's in high school.  I said she would be in her crib at 3 months, and then 6 months, and again made the assertion that she would be in there by the time we moved...now that all have passed with her cozied up in our bed I am thinking at least by age 1!  Hopefully sooner.