Tuesday, June 14, 2011

No More Playing with Mommy's Keys

We had a minor crisis yesterday, although at the time it was the most traumatic moment I've experienced as a mother.  Just a little backdrop to the story...I let Mia play with whatever makes her happy (as long as it's not dangerous).  So my cell phone, laptop, and car keys fall under the things I let her play with although I know I should not.  Justin often reminds me that these toys of mine (especially the iPhone) are not baby toys and I continue to brush him off because what harm can come from it?  Well, I learned my lesson yesterday!

Justin left the gym last night and met me at Publix to grab a few groceries.  We had a normal fun filled shopping trip that started with Mia happy in the grocery cart and restless, being passed between mom and dad right before checking out.  Then, of course, the stinker puts on her I'm the cutest baby in the world face for the cashier, grocery bagger, and anyone else in the vicinity and she takes her compliments with joy and does her little wave as we leave. 

So, we get outside and I have a car full (3 car seats, 2 strollers, diaper caddy, etc.) so Justin decides to pull his car around to put the groceries in it.  While he is getting his car I strap Mia in and pay no mind as she grabs my keys and begins playing with them...I forget.  Justin parks, packs up the groceries and I shut the back door before opening my own to head home.  Can you guess what happened???

Within nanoseconds of that back door closing I hear click, click.  Then it hits me...Mia has my keys!  With fear in my heart I look into the window and see her shaking the keys like a rattle hitting the lock button.  Another backdrop...Just recently I watched an Oprah episode with the guest being a mother whose baby died by being left in the car and here I was standing in a parking lot with my 10 month old sitting in a sealed up car that wasn't running.  I was momentarily taken out of the real world and placed in my own little reality where it was over 100 degrees outside, there was no oxygen in the car, and those friendly people in the store were standing in the parking lot whispering about how careless of a mother I am.  While in the real world it was probably closer to 75 degrees (after 7PM), we were parked in the shade, and the few people who stopped to stare were only doing so because I was pacing and screaming at my husband. 

In this moment I freaked the freak out!  I was hyperventilating and circling the car like a crazy woman looking for something hard to smash the window open and beyond ready to use my fist if I couldn't find something.  And (picture this) Justin is sitting in his driver seat doing something on his phone and Mia is playing with her toes.  I started screaming at Justin to find something to smash the window NOW or I was doing it myself while tears are forming.  Ever so calmly he says he's on the phone with the Franklin Police Dept. and they are sending the fire dept. to open up the car.  Nope didn't calm me down at all...I was yelling at him to ask the lady on the phone "How long? How long?!" and again ever so calmly he tells the lady that his wife is very upset and continues giving her the needed info.  Within 2 minutes we hear sirens and the fire dept shows up (still not comforted) and the first guy gets out and tells me not to worry she's going to be fine while tears are pouring and I am communicating through whimpers.  They grab some gear and begin trying to unlock the door while I am thinking...really?!  I expected them to have something to bust open the window and they are locksmithing it?!  Luckily they got it unlocked in about a minute and Mia was just fine, not even a bead of sweat she was happy as can be. 

Now looking back I have learned a few things.  First of all, my husband is my hero and he takes care of his girls.  God gave me this cool and collected man for a reason (because I am not so cool and collected?) and I need to let him do his thing before freaking.  Also, although we complain about our city's crazy high taxes and bored police officers they are rocking it out when you need them.  And lastly Mia should not be playing with mommy's keys. 

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