Friday, February 25, 2011

Booger Momster

I used to be one of those people who would ask for another table if we were sat next to a screaming child.  I found that attending baby showers was a friendship obligation.  Our TV didn't know what Sesame Street or Barney was.  I found poopy diapers, spit up and snotty noses to be nothing less that revolting.  When I shopped I shopped!  When I slept I slept!  and it seemed all I had was "me time" fact I had so much I had never even heard of "me time".

Fast forward to today.  Yes you guessed kid is the screaming child in the restaurant. I have not only discovered Barney and re-discovered Sesame Street but those two little shows now have a place in my heart.  I don't know why but even my 6 month old LOVES that sometimes creepy purple dinosaur and honestly Sesame Street Rocks!  I now get excited when I get a baby shower invite in the mail because it's somewhere I can not only bring Mia, but people are usually so baby-happy that she gets passed around the whole time -which means I can go pee, twiddle my thumbs or whatever...I have two hands.  When I shop it's A:  Mia comes with and I have a 30 min time frame to hurry up and get what I need and before my shoulders go numb (she is happiest in the Baby Bjorn carrier) or she is hungry, has a dirty diaper, is just crying to cry or B:  I ask daddy and in that case I also have a 30 min window because well any of the previous may happen to him and I should be home for that. 

Sleeping, ah sleeping...I don't even know what that means anymore but I hope to have that little luxury back someday.  I know it sounds bad yet I get the crazy thought sometimes that it would be nice to take a couple Tylenol PM's and lock the door and not wake up for a whole 12 hrs.  I would definitely count that as a whole month's worth of "me time".  Isn't that funny?  "Me time" cracked me up when I first heard someone say she needed it and now I crack up at myself when I realize I would put that on my list of favorite things in life.  If you don't know that the importance of it yet, have will! 

My normal weekday was get up (from 8+ hours of sleep), brush teeth, take shower, blow dry hair, fix hair, put on makeup, dress in cute outfit, stop at Starbucks, go to work, come home dress in comfies, make a glass of wine (or two), watch favorite afternoon show, and go out to dinner (preferably not next to crying child) or cook on special occasions and go to bed.  Oh and weekends were about the same minus work plus a glass of wine.  Now I must shower (due to spit up or boogies in hair), I have to have coffee due to lack of sleep, my comfies are about all that fit, I am struggling to find something to put together for dinner (God forbid I have to go to the grocery) and my wine rack has become a holder for spit up rags and blankies. 

Yet, at the end of the day as I am giving Mia a bath and she is giggling as she soaks me with water I am smiling and laughing more than I ever did and I as am putting lotion on those chunky legs and putting her to bed with a story I feel more love in my heart than I ever knew I had.  So, all those stinky diapers I changed and all that snot I wiped from her nose was all worth it and I am so blessed to get to do it another day!!!

1 comment:

  1. You're such a sweet Mama! I clearly remember when you spent a lot of your "me time" thinking, talking about, & planning for the day you'd have your little booger baby. She's lucky to have you as a Momster. :)
